Update to my earlier #quicktip on setting #plsql scope and warnings.

I noticed a error in my code for setting PLSCOPE_SETTINGS and PLSQL_WARNINGS. QuicTip Logon.sql What I did was get the instance name out of v$instance to figure out if I was connecting to a production environment or one of the lower environments. The problem with this is, not everyone is going to have permissions to select on sys.v_$instance. The better way to do this is to use sys_context to get the instance name. This way, you won’t have to chase down additional privileges from your DBA.


select sys_context('userenv','instance_name')
 into sInst
 from dual;


Here is the corrected code for my logon.sql


 sInst varchar2(1);
 -- rlockard: 2018/02/23 commented out getting instance name from v$instance.
 -- used the more apporiate sys_context('userenv','instance_name')

--select upper(SUBSTR(instance_name, 1,1))
 --INTO sInst

select sys_context('userenv','instance_name')
 into sInst
 from dual;

-- test to see if this is a production instance
 -- all production instances start with P so ...
 -- if it's not a production instance set up
 -- session properties approiate for dev / test / sandbox.
 IF sInst != 'P' THEN
 execute immediate 'ALTER SESSION SET PLSQL_WARNINGS=' || '''ENABLE:ALL''';

Posted in Database Stuff, Life of a Oracle DBA, PL/SQL | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

My upcoming Spring events @OracleACE #InfoSec

March 5 – 8: I will be speaking at the Hotsos Symposium in Dallas Texas.

https://www.hotsos.com/apex/f?p=200:61801:6152298924404 I will be showing how to secure your high performance code. We will be looking at some coding standards, what common errors we are making that makes our code less secure, and how to implement a trusted path for your data.

March 15: We have managed to wrangle Bobby Curtis, and Steven Feuerstein to come out to Oracle’s Columbia Maryland office to give a couple of presentations. Maybe it’s the Maryland Crab Cakes or could be they are really nice guys. 🙂


Bobby Curtis, Oracle ACE Director Alumni and Product Manager for Oracle Golden Gate will be giving a presentation on Golden Gate Security.

Steven Feuerstein Oracle ACE Director Alumni and Oracle’s Developer Advocate for PL/SQL for Oracle DevGym. This will be a great opportunity for an Oracle DevGym Workout. Devgym.oracle.com Steven will go through the exercises with you and will be giving prizes for the best performers.

March 21 – 22: I will be speaking at Utah Oracle Users Group Training Days (and getting some Spring Skiing in.) http://utoug.org/TrainingDays I will be speaking on Holistic Database Security and Secure Coding. My Holistic Database Security presentation has come a long way over the past ten years. As new attack vectors, mistakes, mitigations come out I update this presentation. So, if you’ve seen this presentation before, don’t worry there is a lot of new material in there. My Secure Coding Presentation goes through coding standards, common errors, and how to implement a trusted path for you data.

April 18: I will be speaking at Twin Cities Oracle Users Group on Oracle Database Vault and a Hybrid Holistic Database Security presentation that will be focused at DBA’s. Many DBA’s fear or don’t like Oracle Database Vault, because it changes the paradigm of how they work. We are accustomed to being the God of our databases. We will be looking at how to make Database Vault your friend, and customizing it for your needs.

May 22 – 23: I will be speaking at Oracle Users Group Finland. http://www.ougf.fi/index.php/en/

Again I will be speaking on Holistic Database Security and Secure Coding.

And the BGOUG Spring Conference. I’m just waiting on the confirmation.

More to come. 🙂

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2017 was a crazy year, 2018 is going to be challenging

It’s been a crazy year. In 2017 I’ve done talks in Paris France, Helsinki and Rovaniemi Finland, Sofia Bulgaria, Moscow Russia, Denver Colorado, Las Vegas Nevada, San Antonio Texas, Krakow Poland, Dushanbe Tajikistan, and Raleigh North Carolina. A few of these cities, (Helsinki, Moscow, and Sofia) getting there more than one time this year. And these don’t count the side trips to places like Saint Petersburg and London to see the ballet, visit friends, visit a pub, or see a football game. It’s now coming on the end of the year and thankfully I don’t have any travel planned for the rest of the year. You should see my frequent flier statement, but we all know it does not compare to Heli’s frequent flier statement.

Also in 2017, I made Oracle ACE Director. Now if you do the math, estimating there are over 500,000 Oracle Customers and if each customer has five Oracle professionals on staff, that would mean there are over 2.5 Million Oracle professionals in the world. As of this day there are 107 Oracle ACE Directors (the top tier professional advocates) in the world and I am one of them.

Robert Lockard – Oracle ACE Director

Then last month, I was asked by Oracle Magazine about doing a peer-to-peer profile. That was published this morning.

Oracle Magazine Peer-To-Peer

Now when Oracle Magazine asked me to do the Peer-To-Peer, it also included doing a short video. It’s hard to believe, but this short video took me four hours to shoot.

Oracle Magazine Peer-To-Peer Video

What is the plan for 2018? Well it’s going to be hard to beat 2017, But I’m up to the challenge. I hope to spend a little more time in Saint Petersburg Russia to explore the city some more. This is a seriously beautiful city and I think late May would be the perfect time to explore it. Fortunately, it will be just in time for White Nights.

I’ve decided that in 2018 I will be focusing more on the smaller Oracle Users Groups. Yes, Collaborate, KSCOPE, and RMOUG are great conferences, and I am not abandoning them for good, I’ll return to them perhaps in 2019. On January 1 when I’ll be heading back to Europe for a week that will include another new place for me, Tbilisi Georgia and I also have tickets to see the Nut Cracker in Moscow that week. I have two papers into the UKOUG Ireland event in March. I also plan on speaking in Utah, Ohio, Atlanta Georgia, Helsinki, Moscow, Poland, Paris, London, and of course, Bulgaria again. Maybe I’ll also get to do a talk in Saint Petersburg while I’m there.

What else will I be doing? Well, I’m working hard to bring speakers to the Baltimore Maryland area. I’ve already have Steven Feuerstein lined up for January 18th in Baltimore, Bobby Curtis and I are talking about him coming out in March. I would also love to get SQL Maria out here to do a deep dive into the Oracle Optimizer. Yes, 2018 is going to be a busy year, and I promise I also will be flying my plane more.

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The Impossible Password and default accounts. Oracle #LockDown #QuickTip #Infosec

Let’s revisit a customer who was about to go through an IG Audit. There is one finding that always seems to come up. Default accounts with default passwords. I don’t care if the accounts are expired and locked, if the user still has the default password set, then it’s a finding. Now you can go through all the default accounts and change the password if you want. I’m personally fond of having a script that does the work for me.

This is the script I use to go through and change all the default passwords. Now, once I’m done with this, I go back on set any necessary default accounts such as DBSNMP to a known password. Why, I find it easier to lock all the doors then methodically move through and unlock only the doors that are necessary.

First we are going to need a function that returns an impossible password. Well, in all honesty, it’s not impossible to crack, (that is because given enough horsepower any password can be eventually cracked.) This function will do one thing, return a 30 character randomly generated password of any printable character. There are a couple characters you can’t put in a password, so when we encounter those, we are going to replace them with an integer between 0 – 9.

Next we are going to go through all the default accounts and change the password.


    -- get the list of users with default passwords.
    CURSOR users_with_defpwd_cur IS
        SELECT username
        FROM sys.dba_users_with_defpwd;
    stmt     VARCHAR2(2000);    -- the base sql statement
    passwd   VARCHAR2(32);      -- the impossible_password.

    FUNCTION impossible_password RETURN VARCHAR2 AS
    -- will create a 30 character password wrapped in double quotes.
    passwd           VARCHAR2(32);        -- this is the password we are returning.
                                          -- we need 32 characters because we are
                                          -- wrapping the password in double quotes.
    p_invalid_char_3 VARCHAR2(1) := '"';  -- invalid password character 3 is '"'
    p_invalid_char_4 VARCHAR2(1) := ';';  -- invalid password character 4 is ';'
        passwd := SYS.dbms_random.STRING('p',30); -- get 30 printable characters. 
        -- find all the invalid characters and replace them with a random integer
        -- between 0 and 9.
        passwd := REPLACE(passwd, p_invalid_char_3, ceil(SYS.dbms_random.VALUE(-1,9)));
        passwd := REPLACE(passwd, p_invalid_char_4, ceil(SYS.dbms_random.VALUE(-1,9)));
        -- before we pass back the password, we need to put a double quote 
        -- on either side of it. This is because sometime we are going to 
        -- get a strange character that will cause oracle to cough up a hairball.
        passwd := '"' || passwd || '"';
        RETURN passwd;
-- main procedure.
    FOR users_with_defpwd_rec IN users_with_defpwd_cur LOOP
        passwd := impossible_password;
        stmt := 'alter user ' || users_with_defpwd_rec.username || ' identified by ' || passwd;
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Five things that make me just want to scream. #Infosec

When evaluating the security of a database, and/or the security of an application, there are a few things that will make me start pounding my head against my desk. What prompted this? A customer asked me help evaluate a system that is about to go through an IG Audit and they want to be ahead of the curve. The good part is I was able to come up with a lockdown procedure that is specific to this customer and their needs. The bad part is, I keep seeing these same mistakes over and over again. So, lets sit down and go through five of the mistakes that I keep seeing over and over again.

  1. A COTS application required any of the following privileges to get installed or operating. I’m sorry guys, if you have not figured out what permissions your application really needs, then it’s not ready to be put on the market. I was able to do a privilege analysis and find out what this application really needed.
    1. DBA – I have a hard time justifying granting DBA to an application to be installed or operate.
    2. SELECT / CREATE / UPDATE / DROP ANY <FILL IN YOUR TYPE>. Hey, this is another privilege that just makes me shake my head. Because the ANY any privilege allows the grantee to operate on ANY object in the database, this just tells me you have not thought it through. Many databases have multiple applications running in an instance. Why would your application need to access schemas that are not part of your applications?
      1. Oh and as a side note, why did the application need both DBA and all these ANY privileges?
    3. Okay there are a whole bunch of privileges that should never be granted to an application, these are just a few.
  2. Not cleaning up users that have left. Please tell me why you need to keep a user in the system who left two years ago. If someone can give me a good excuse, I’m willing to listen, but I got to tell you, in thirty years in this business, I have not heard any good reason to keep a user in the system.
    1. Go ahead, drop those users, including the test, sit, and dev instances. They don’t need to be there.
  3. Connecting as the application to do your job. I see this so often that it really makes me wonder about the technical ability of the people doing the job. Please tell me why you need to connect to the application to do your work? If there are permissions that you need that are missing, we can resolve that.
  4. Mixing Data and Code in the same schema. Why do you need to do this? You really should separate your data and code. All you need is one little sql injection bug for a bad guy to find, then she owns your database. Oh, and it’s highly likely you have a sql injection bug, you just don’t know it yet. We have a plan to separate the code from the data, it’ll take a while, but this should keep the auditors happy.
  5. Writing queries in production. I get it, it happens; you are supporting your users and the user needs something from the database quick. There is not a report available that answers the users question. You connect to the production instance through sql plus, sqlcl, sql developer or some other tool. You then type your query, hit enter and production slams on the breaks. Yea’ I have lost count of the number of times I’ve seen this, you forgot to join those two really big tables and just got a cartesian product. A junior developer just walked up to me and asked the question, why is production so slow. My gut reaction was to chew him out. In the end, I did not chew him out, and I gave him an explanation of what happened (forgetting to put in a where clause) and gave him a stern warning about writing code in production. You have a test instance, please use it before running in production.
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Yet another breach through #SQLInjection

The following quote bothered me a lot. “No amount of best practices or prohibitive steps is going to stop a determined hacker.” While this is a true statement, what it leaves out is if you make it difficult by securing the information, the hacker will move onto easier target.

Here is the full article: Yet another data breach

SQL Injection attacks continue to be successful. To secure your data from a sql injection attack, you can start by implementing secure coding standards. Here is a link to my write up on using a secure architecture that to date has been immune from sql injection.

Secure Coding, Code Based Access Control and using multiple schema

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Upcoming #POUG17 and #tajoug #techconftj* #Oracle #plsql #infosec #fun

99% of my presentations are technical, addressing our information security needs. Then every now and again, I get to do something fun. There was “Hacking The Human Brain” last June at BGOUG.

My next trip in September is taking me to Krakow Poland, Moscow Russia and Dushanbe Tajikistan. While in Krakow, I’ll be presenting on “Secure Coding in the Cloud” and taking part of a panel discussion. On to Moscow, to see a concert on Red Square, and dinner with friends. Then off to Dushanbe where I’m privileged to present, “Secure Coding in the Cloud,” “Holistic Database Security,” and something fun. “Make a Difference, My 10 rules for a full life.” This will be a fifteen minute talk on, the rules I live by. Come on out to the Polish Oracle Users group or Tajikistan Oracle Users Group, September 7th. We are going to learn a lot and have fun doing it.

If you can’t make it to either of these two fine conferences, meet me in Moscow for a beer or two at Hotel Metropol.

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Code Based Access Control, #securecoding #oracle #plsql #MultipleSchemas

You can download the full code from gethub.com CBAC Simple 

This example depends on the HR Demo schema being loaded. We will be building on this example over the next several months to present a full blown application that includes many of the secure coding features I have been talking about.

We need to do better. I keep walking into customers, where I keep hearing: “It’s harder to do.” “We have deadlines to make.” “We will address that sql injection flaw after we go production; because we are behind schedule.” Now guys, I get it! I have been down in the trenches for about thirty years coding, designing, and administering some sensitive information systems. (They are all sensitive in my view.) We really need to get on top of this, now.

First lets go back and see where we started this discussion. In part 1 and part 2, I introduced you to the better Architecture of using multiple schemas then we discussed definers rights and invokers rights.

Secure Coding Part 1

Secure Coding Part 2

Lets start: the first part of the code we are going to be doing some clean up. This way we can run the code again and again without getting error messages.

1 -- clean up before we start. 2 declare 3 procedure Drop_User(pUser in varchar2) is 4 User_Doesnt_Exist exception; 5 pragma Exception_Init(User_Doesnt_Exist, -01918); 6 begin 7 execute immediate 'drop user '||pUser||' cascade'; 8 exception when User_Doesnt_Exist then null; 9 end Drop_User; 10 begin 11 Drop_User('hr_api'); 12 Drop_User('usr1'); 13 end; 14 / 15 16 declare 17 Role_Doesnt_Exist exception; 18 pragma exception_init(Role_Doesnt_Exist, -01919); 19 begin 20 execute immediate 'drop role hr_emp_select_role'; 21 execute immediate 'drop role hr_backup_role'; 22 execute immediate 'drop role api_admin_role'; 23 exception when Role_Doesnt_Exist then null; 24 end; 25 -- done cleaning up. 26 27

Now lets get the two schemas we will be using in this example.

Line 3: we are creating a HR_API schema that will hold all the code to access data objects in the HR schema.

Line 5: we are creating the USR1 user that will make calls to code in the HR_API schema. (In a future post, I’ll be adding in HR_CODE schema that will hold the business logic. But for now, we are keeping it simple to demo CBAC.

1 -- this is going to be my api schema that will 2 -- have access to the hr objects. 3 create user hr_api identified by x; 4 -- this will be my executing user. 5 create user usr1 identified by x; 6

Now lets get to the roles we are going to need.

Line 3 we are creating the role HR_EMP_SELECT_ROLE. This role will have select on hr.employees. We will be granting this role to the api package that accesses the hr.employees table.

Line 6 we are creating the HR_BACKUP_ROLE. This role will be granted create any table, and then the role will be granted to the api package that does the backup. I really don’t like granting create any table, but for this purpose it is required to create a table in a different schema.

Line 8 is the API_ADMIN_ROLE. This role will have the create procedure privilege and will be assigned to the HR_API schema.

1 -- the hr_emp_select_role will have select in hr.ermployees. 2 create role hr_emp_select_role; 3 -- the hr_backup_role has create any table privilege. I really don't 4 -- like that, but that is what the role needs to create a table in 5 -- a diffrent schema. 6 create role hr_backup_role; 7 -- the api_admin_role has create procedure privilege. 8 create role api_admin_role; 9

.Now lets get into the grants we will need.

Lines 4 – 6 we are granting create session to usr1. At this time, this is the only privilege this user will need. Once we have the API package compiled, we will grant execute on that package to usr1

Lines 10 – 12 we are granting create procedure to the API_ADMIN_ROLE. This will be needed for HR_API to create a package in it’s schema.

Lines 16 – 18 we are granting select on hr.employees to the HR_EMP_SELECT_ROLE. This role will be granted to the HR_API schema with delegate option. I’ll discuss more about that later.

Lines 20 – 21 we are granting select on hr.employees to the HR_API schema. I really don’t like this, but it’s needed in order to compile the package.

Lines 26 – 28 we are granting create session to the HR_API schema. This will be needed to so HR_API can connect and create the required objects with only the permissions needed.

Line 32 we are granting create any table to the HR_BACKUP_ROLE. I really don’t like granting create any. This role will be granted to the API package that does some dynamic sql. I really need to think about tightening this down a bit. But for this iteration, we are going to use this to create a backup table in the hr schema.

Lines 36 – 39 here we are granting the HR_EMP_SELECT_ROLE and HR_BACKUP_ROLE to the HR_API schema with delegate option. This is important, you need to use either the DELEGATE OPTION or the ADMIN OPTION in order to be able to grant the roles to the HR_API packages.

Lines 41 – 43 and finally on our grants, we are granting the API_ADMIN_ROLE to the HR_API schema so HR_API can create the required packages.

1 -- the user usr1 will only need create session. after we've created 2 -- the package in the hr_api schema, we will grant execute on the 3 -- package to usr1. 4 grant 5 create session 6 to usr1; 7 -- 8 -- the api_admin_role will need the create procedure privilege. 9 -- this will be granted to hr_api. 10 grant 11 create procedure 12 to api_admin_role; 13 -- 14 -- this will give the hr_emp_select role the privilege 15 -- it needs to execute. 16 grant 17 select on hr.employees 18 to hr_emp_select_role; 19 -- 20 -- this will be needed to compile the code in the api schema. 21 grant 22 select 23 on hr.employees to hr_api; 24 -- 25 -- we are going to revoke create session after we are done. 26 grant 27 create session 28 to hr_api; 29 -- 30 -- the hr_bacup_role is used to demenstrate 31 -- using dynamic sql. 32 grant create any table to hr_backup_role; 33 -- 34 -- hr_api needs the roles with delegate option (or admin option) 35 -- to be able to grant the role to a package. 36 grant 37 hr_emp_select_role, 38 hr_backup_role 39 to hr_api with delegate option; 40 -- 41 grant 42 api_admin_role 43 to hr_api; 44 -- 45

The final step to setup our users and roles is to alter the user HR_API so there are no default roles. This is going to be done, because in the next installment we will be looking at creating password protected roles.

1 -- during normal operating, the hr_api schema does not 2 -- need any privileges. 3 alter user hr_api 4 default role none; 5

Now lets get into building our HR_API schema. It starts simple enough,

Line 1 connect to hr_api

Line 4 We set the roles we will need to create the api package, and the roles that will be granted to the api package.

1 -- connect as hr_api 2 conn hr_api/x@orcl 3 4 SET role hr_emp_select_role, api_admin_role, hr_backup_role; 5

Lines 1 – 8 we are creating a simple package that does two things. One get the phone number of a person based on first and last name. The second package is used to make a backup of the hr.employees table.

Line 12 Now that we have the package specification, we can grant the role HR_EMP_SELECT_ROLE and HR_BACKUP_ROLE to the hr_api.pgk_emp_select package.

1 create or replace package hr_api.pkg_emp_select 2 authid current_user AS 3 PROCEDURE pGetPhone(pFname IN VARCHAR2, 4 pLname IN VARCHAR2, 5 pPhone OUT VARCHAR2); 6 PROCEDURE pBackupEmp; 7 END; 8 / 9 10 -- we are going to grant the hr_emp_select_role 11 -- to pkg_emp_select 12 GRANT hr_emp_select_role, hr_backup_role to package pkg_emp_select; 13

Lines 3 – 24 don’t do anything very interesting, this procedure will get a phone number based on first and last name. My exception handler is really quite simple and does not do much. We’ll address that in a later post, because as you know, returning errors to the user is not the best practice from a infosec point of view.

Lines 30 – 39 is using dynamic sql to create a backup of the hr.employees table. We granted HR_BACKUP_ROLE to the package, this way, the package can create a table in the hr schema. I’m going to have to rethink this example, I don’t like it all that much because granting CREATE ANY TABLE is not really a good practice.

1 CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY hr_api.pkg_emp_select AS 2 3 PROCEDURE pGetPhone(pFname IN VARCHAR2, 4 pLname IN VARCHAR2, 5 pPhone OUT VARCHAR2) IS 6 x INTEGER; 7 BEGIN 8 BEGIN 9 SELECT phone_number 10 INTO pPhone 11 FROM hr.employees 12 WHERE first_name = pFname 13 AND last_name = pLname; 14 EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found then 15 pPhone := 'xxx'; 16 WHEN too_many_rows THEN 17 pPhone := 'yyy'; 18 WHEN others THEN 19 -- we can add in the help desk error handler later, again this 20 -- is just to demo granting roles to packages. 21 sys.dbms_output.put_line('pGetPhone raised an exception ' || sqlerrm); 22 END; 23 -- 24 END pGetPhone; 25 -- 26 -- this is a very simple procedure, create a backup table using execute 27 -- immediate. (dynamic sql) the only way this procedure is going to work 28 -- is if the package has create any table privilege to be able to 29 -- create a table in another schema. 30 PROCEDURE pBackupEmp IS 31 -- This is the date string 20170805 32 dt VARCHAR2(8); 33 BEGIN 34 dt := to_char(sysdate,'rrrrmmdd'); 35 execute immediate 'create table hr.employees' ||dt|| ' as select * from hr.employees'; 36 sys.dbms_output.put_line('create table success'); 37 exception when others then 38 sys.dbms_output.put_line('create table error ' || sqlerrm); 39 END pBackupEmp; 40 end pkg_emp_select; 41 / 42

Now that we have all that, lets’ test it.

1 conn usr1/x@orcl 2 set serveroutput on 3 declare 4 -- to hold the phone number, because we can't reference 5 -- hr.employees we can not use phone_number%type. 6 lPhone VARCHAR2(20); 7 begin 8 sys.dbms_output.put_line('testing cbac select on emp'); 9 hr_api.pkg_emp_select.pGetPhone(pFname => 'Jose Manuel', 10 pLname => 'Urman', 11 pPhone => lPhone); 12 sys.dbms_output.put_line(lPhone); 13 end; 14 / 15 16 -- if you run this twice on the same day you are going to get 17 -- a ORA-00955 error. this is because the package creates 18 -- a backup of the hr.employees table by appending the date 19 -- to the table name. So, if you are going to run it twice 20 -- you need to drop or rename the backup table. 21 begin 22 sys.dbms_output.put_line('testing dynamic sql'); 23 hr_api.pkg_emp_select.pBackupEmp; 24 sys.dbms_output.put_line('done'); 25 exception when others then 26 sys.dbms_output.put_line('daaaa ' || sqlerrm); 27 end; 28 / 29

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What is it like on the Oracle User Group Speaking circuit?

This is how most of my trips start, a ride to the airport with my headset on. Listen to some easy listening music such as AC/DC or Iron 20161114_195431Maiden to get me in the mood for travel. Once at the airport; check into the business class lounge at Air France or British Airways to have a glass of Champagne wile waiting for my flight.

UPDATE: I pay for my own business class travel. Thanks for pointing that out Kent Graziano.

20170515_131521 20161107_114624
On some of my trips in the US, I’ll fly my 1948 Ryan Navion to the conference site. Many OSH1times while in Europe, I get asked if I flew my plane there. The answer is no. Single engine airplanes don’t do well when flying over thousands of miles of open ocean.
Who are you going to meet when you are out speaking. The most interesting people in the world. These people are some of the top experts in the world who volunteer their time to educate people. Once the best side effect of hanging around them, is they will inspire you to be better everyday. All if these people here have one other thing in common. They are all wonderful people who I’m happy to call friends.
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What happens when you get there. Well, there is the hotel you need to check into. Then you are going to need to find out where the reception is, head out to see the city, find out what the local beer is, and have a bit of fun.
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You’ve found the reception, and taken in some of the city’s culture – it’s time to get ready to speak. No matter how many times you have done a presentation, it’s important to go through your presentation and demos before you get in front of your audience. You need to be ON. This may be your 20th time giving this presentation, but remember this is the first time this audience has heard it. Deliver your presentation like your reputation depends on it. Also remember, you may be asked a question that you’ve heard a hundred times. Again, the person you are talking to does not know the answer, that is why they are asking; so show that person the respect he/she deserves. You will also be asked questions that you don’t know the answer to. Write down the question, go back and research it; then provide that person the answer to their question.
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You did a great presentation, you got to see the city and make new friends but don’t forget all the other great session that are being offered. Besides, because you are a speaker, you get to sit in on these sessions too. You also need to find time to get some work done.
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It’s done, you finally made it home, you have customers that you need to take care of. In the past week, you traveled the equivalent of round the world. Get some rest, you really need it. The customer can wait for tomorrow, they wont mind. Smile


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#Oracle #sqldev MAJOR improvement

This is going to be quick, I don’t get a lot of time to read new features documentation. I normally reserve that for once a month, print em’ out and read over a nice glass of Scotch. Hey it works for me.

So today, things seem a bit odd, so I opened the SQL Developer Instance Viewer to get a picture of what the database was doing. WOW, thanks Jeff, Kris and team. Love the new look. Check out Top SQL.

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Kinda disturbed by an article I just read. #infosec #rant

As most of you know I live on the defense side of infosec. As attack vectors are exposed, I study them to learn how to design systems that can defend against them. There are some biggies, sql injection, cross site scripting, insider threat and encrypted data leaking that burn a lot of my time.

I just read an article giving a detailed technical description on how to use randomized proxy chains to avoid detection. And by using proxies in different countries, it makes it difficult to find out who did the attack. Now of course this article said this should only be used for white hat pen testing and you should not use this for any illegal purposes.

Make no mistake, articles like this are not helping the good guys secure systems. You are only helping the bad guys.

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Exciting times. #poug #tajoug #techconftj*

I will making my first trip to Krakow Poland and Dushanbe Tajikistan. This trip will cover over 24,000 miles in air travel and five different airlines.

POUG High Five. The Polish Oracle Users Group will be having their annual tech conference in Krakow Poland September 1 and 2. http://poug.org/en/edycja/high-five-poug/ I’ll be speaking on secure pl/sql coding and taking part in a panel discussion. There is a very impressive group of speakers coming in from all over the world. This is a first class conference that will be held in a brewery.

Tajikistan TechConf. I don’t have a URL for this conference yet, it will be held Thursday September 7 in Dushanbe Tajikistan. Heli “From Finland” Helskyaho and I will speaking along with some local speakers. Heli is famous for her dynamic speaking style; she will teach you new information that will make you better at your job.

Come on out to either one of these two excellent conferences and I’ll help you wrap your brain around Oracle Database Security.

Between POUG and Tajikistan TechConf, I will be spending a couple of days in Moscow to go to a concert and visit with some friends.

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Getting to know you, getting to know all about you. #infosec #windows10

Windows 10 has the capability to record everything you say, everything you type and everything you write. Okay, I have a fundamental problem with this. Microsoft implemented this feature in the Beta release of Windows 10 to help the product development troubleshoot problems and improve the product. The product development team loved it so much, they kept it in the production release of Windows 10.

I am not going to discuss Microsoft’s motivation for keeping this in the production product. I will give you my opinion: Information is leaking like a water from a broken colander, so why would we keep this around? Saving this information on your device and the cloud is a massive issue. Here is what you need to do, turn it off and remove the voice, writing, typing from the cloud.

Go to Windows Settings -> Privacy -> Speech, Inking, & typing. If you see Stop getting to know me then click on it and it will turn it off and remove all the data from your local drive. You also need to remove all the data from the cloud. So on that same screen “Go to Bing and manage personal info for all your devices” to clear the Getting to Know You Data from your Microsoft account.

This combined with the setting “Send Microsoft info about how I write” has me very concerned. So turn that off too. On the same screen click on “General” then the third item on the right, “Send Microsoft info about how I write to help us improve typing and writing in the future” Turn that off.

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#quicktip #oracle #sqlcl logon.sql #PLSCOPE_SETTINGS and #PLSQL_WARNINGS

Quick Tip. My logon.sql file.

I don’t want plscope_settings and plsql_warnings set when I’m in production; but if I’m in my test / dev / sandbox environments, then I do turn them on.

This helps. Enjoy; this should be self explanatory.

set linesize 90
set pagesize 1000
col table_name format a35
col owner format a20
set timing on
 sInst varchar2(1);
 select upper(SUBSTR(instance_name, 1,1))
 INTO sInst
-- changed to use sys_context 2018/02/23
 select sys_context('userenv','instance_name')
 into sInst
 from dual;

-- test to see if this is a production instance
 -- all production instances start with P so ...
 -- if it's not a production instance set up
 -- session properties approiate for dev / test / sandbox.
 IF sInst != 'P' THEN
   execute immediate 'ALTER SESSION SET PLSQL_WARNINGS=' || '''ENABLE:ALL''';
define _editor=vi

-- setup aliases for sqlcl
alias tab=select table_name from user_tables;
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#GDPR – RIGHT TO ACCESS. Security is a feature #3 Right to Access Part 1 of 2

The GDPR Right to access can get a bit complicated as it covers a few things that provide some challenges for us.

What is the purpose of the processing? Lets face it, we process data on people for a number of reasons.

First we are going to use the example of an online storefront. When a person places an order, a number of things happen with that person’s data. 1) Is there payment information accurate? 2) Do they have a store credit? 3) Does that person get a discount? 4) The parts that were ordered need to be shipped. 5) Store a history of the persons order, so the next time they want to order something, the system can make recommendations based on past orders.

If the shipping is being done by a third party such as Fedex or UPS, the person’s data is going to be transmitted to the shipping company. So now a person’s data is being held at both the online vendor and the shipping company.

What is the category of the data being processed? For the online storefront, we have payment, order and shipping information. For the shipping company, there is shipping and value information.

The recipients or categories of recipient to whom the personal data have been or will be disclosed, in particular recipients in third countries or international organisations. So in this case, let’s say that the package was shipped by FEDEX and let’s assume FEDEX data processing is done in the United States. (NOTE: this is an assumption, not a statement of fact.) Anyway the person’s shipping information has now left the EU for the United States of America. From the perspective of the online store vendor, the shipper will need to address Article 44 of the GDPR. I’ll get to Article 44 later.

Where possible, the envisaged period for which the personal data will be stored, or, if not possible, the criteria used to determine that period. So, how long will the data be stored? Certain types need to be kept for a defined period of time. ie. Financial information may need to kept for five or seven years that is defined by either applicable law or regulation. Other types of information may be kept for very short periods of time. I once worked on a system where the data was only resident for thirty days. This system packaged up the data and sent it to downstream system for further processing. Once the data was sent downstream, it was no longer needed. But, once the data was sent downstream, we would need to track what downstream systems received the personal data.

The existence of the right to request from the controller rectification or erasure of personal data or restriction of processing of personal data concerning the data subject or to object to such processing. You should be seeing a pattern here. It is going to be critical that we identify all PII (Personally Identifiable Information) in our systems. If a person identifies information we hold that is inaccurate, there needs to be a process in place to correct the information. If a person wants their information removed from our system, there needs a process in place to remove the information without corrupting or compromising the integrity of the system. Reference the Right to be forgotten and Article 17 of GDPR.

The right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. We need to get into the definition of “Supervisory Authority.” I’ll address that in a later post. What kind of complaints can we expect? And what is the process to resolve those complaints? We need to spend time developing the process to address data complaints.

Where the personal data are not collected from the data subject, any available information as to their source. We feed downstream systems, and to be honest, there are a number of companies that sell our personal data. Say your company purchases mailing and phone list from a series of companies, you are now going to need to track the source of that data, so when the question arises, and it will; you can answer the question. What was the source of the data?

More to come.

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#SQLDeveloper Unit Testing

I’ll get back to the GDPR series tomorrow.

Can I get a show of hands, How many people do unit testing? I’ve been in a lot of shops where unit testing and code reviews have been passed up in the name of Agile. First off, this is a misunderstanding of what Agile is. You do need to do Unit Test when doing Agile and code reviews are still highly recommended. Because this is not a post on Agile, that’s all I’ll say on that.

I’ve been working on a fairly complex problem for the past few months, that involves advanced analytics, and some simple test against a data set. This wound up being several thousand lines of code that had to be fast, accurate, secure and stable. Here is a shameless plug for SQL Developer, there is an awesome and flexible unit testing module built in to it. It’s quite easy to setup, and give you testing that is repeatable. Jeff Smith has a good write up on setting up and using Unit Testing. Oh, and did I mention, it’s free! Thanks guys.

So after building all my code, I was able to design some test to exercise all the procedures and functions for both successful execution and generate exceptions; so I know my code and deal with any exceptions that may come up.

If any test fail, the entire test fails. When all the test pass, than the testing has past. Really this made my job a lot easier. Identifying what code has bugs is easy, knowing what the input is, what is expected and what failed is easy.

Now that unit testing is complete, integration testing can start. Life is good.

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#GDPR is coming Security is a feature #2 Data Masking

#GDPR is coming Security is a feature #2 Data Masking

In the context of GDPR, data masking should be done so that the all the data attributes on a person should not be able to define that person. Most of us know this, but we rarely articulate it; as you add more attributes to data it becomes much easier to define a person.

Use case: my full name is Robert Price Lockard, but let’s say there are a whole bunch of Roberts’ in the universe, therefore Robert does not uniquely identify me. Now let’s start adding attributes.

Let’s go further. I live in the United States of America; that narrows it down even more. Here is the frequency distribution of the top 10 names in the USA. So, I’m one of 5,497,484 Roberts’ in the US.

Rank Name Frequency
1 John 7,556,152
2 Marry 7,474,295
3 James 5,714,116
4 Robert 5,497,484
5 Michael 4,942,065
6 Christopher 4,747,669
7 William 4,665,950
8 Joseph 4,619,701
9 Elizabeth 4,270,062
10 Richard 4,109,367

I am a Pilot, okay, we’ve narrowed down the universe of Roberts’ to Roberts who are a pilot. There are still quite a few Roberts’ out there who are pilots.

Okay, so we have this big universe of Roberts’, how about we add my birth date of May 26, 1960. (Yea’ I’m pretty old). Now we are starting to narrow it down a bit, but in 1960, Robert was a very popular name and still is, so there are still quite a few Roberts’ in the population of Pilots and born May 26, 1960.

I live in the state of Maryland; we are narrowing down down the universe of Roberts’ even more. Say I purchase a lot of stuff from Aircraft Spruce and Specialty Company that would only be used for a 1948 Ryan Navion. With this information, you can likely make an educated guess to uniquely identify me.

Now let’s add in my zip code (postal code) of 21060. You just identified me. This is where things start to get tricky (or interesting depending on your point of view.)

Robert — there are a bunch

Pilot — there still are a bunch

USA — fewer, but still a bunch

Date of Birth — narrowed it down, but still not enough info to identify me.

State of Maryland — narrowing it down quite a bit, and most likely take an educated guess.

Zip code 21060 — nailed it, now you know who I am..

Now when we start thinking about masking data in the context of GDPR, we are also going to need to look at the type of business we are dealing with. If you are a bank, you may be able to mask down to zip code, this is because the vast majority of people in a zip code (postal code) have bank accounts.

But if you are a company like Aircraft Spruce and Specialty company (that gets a lot of my money) you should mask zip code and even go as far as masking the state. Why, because if you look at my purchase history from Aircraft Spruce, you would be able to determine the type of aircraft I own. And because my aircraft is pretty rare (I don’t know of any other 1948 Ryan Navions’ in the state of Maryland) it would be easy to determine who I am based on my purchase history.

Why would we mask data anyway? If you are using production to refresh lower environments; then you really need to start masking your data. This has as much to do with GDPR and your overall security profile; because guess what; when attacking a system only an amateur would go after your production system first. A hacker is coming for your DEV and TEST systems first, these environments are real noisy and it’s quite easy to hide in them for months on end. So if you are not masking your data in lower environments, then start doing it now. The other reason is under the “right to be forgotten.” It would be much easier to clean your production data of a person then to have to go through all of your lower environments to find all instances of a person to clean.


Name Frequency Distribution

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#GDPR is coming Security is a feature #1

Security is feature. Over the next few weeks, I’ll be looking how some of the issues on how GDPR will be impacting us as technical professionals.

There are a lot of things that I find technically interesting in GDPR such as “Right to be forgotten.” How do we track all instances of a person we have in our systems? When we delete a person from our system, what about the artifacts in backups, and archive logs? We can’t go back and remove a person from our backups.

If a person made a transaction, and that person wants to be forgotten. We should address replacing the person to be forgotten with a generic person. Do you keep sex, age, postal code tied to the transaction details? The generic person attributes need to be addressed by your organization.

If a person downloads personal information to their workstation; we need to track that and ensure the data is scrubbed from the workstation. Therefore audit needs to configured so we know who has accessed the person’s data.

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Yet another Phishing Attack #DontClickThatLink #Infosec

So I get up this morning, check email and what is waiting for me. A phishing email. Okay lets do a little analysis to see how to detect this really quick.

1) My paypal account is not linked to this email address, so that’s a big give away.

2) The from line is just amateurish. It does not even say paypal.com

3) When I hover the mouse over the link, I can see the actual text of the url in the bottom left had corner. Yea’ I’m pretty sure paypal does not use a .army address.


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Next month is going to be a busy – Atlanta, Helsinki, Saint Petersburg, Moscow, Sofia Bulgaria, and London

May 10th I will be speaking In Atlanta Georgia on Holistic Database Security at Georgia Oracle Users Group Tech Days 2017. I have not decided if I’m flying 81K down or flying commercial yet. I may just go ahead and fly commercial, because I won’t be able to get down to Atlanta until the afternoon of the 9th.


Next up, spend a few days at home, then fly over to Helsinki Finland for Harmony 2017 May 17-18. I’ll be speaking on PL/SQL Secure coding practices. We always have fun at Harmony, this time we are also planning on heading over to Heli and Marko’s place to have a BBQ. I’ll be cooking Firehouse Hamburgers for everyone.


The morning of the May 19, getting on the train to head over to Saint Petersburg to see the ballet “A Midsummers Night Dream” at The Mariinsky Theatre, spend the weekend and see the city.

May 22 taking the train down to Moscow. I’ve been working with the Oracle Office there to put together a three-hour security workshop for Oracle customers and partners. I’m really looking forward to this event. This workshop will be live translated to Russian. I’ve never had a talk translated, so this will be a new experience. Now I’ve been to Moscow a couple times for layovers, but never spent more than a day there so this time, I’ll spend a bit over a week and celebrate the 57th birthday there. I checked for tickets to the Bolshoi Theatre for Friday night to celebrate my birthday, but there were quite expensive, so I opted to get tickets to a modern ballet Saturday night at the Bolshoi Theatre.

May 31 it’s off to Sofia Bulgaria for BGOUG’s spring conference June 2-4. This conference is one of the finest in the world. If you are in or near Bulgaria, I highly recommend attending. I’ll be speaking on Cloud Security and Hacking the Human Brain.


June 4th off to Home, great part is, I’ll have a 23 hour layover in London, so get to see a bunch of friends at some random London pub. Life is good.

As most of you know, I prefer to fly Business Class Aeroflot on my trips to Europe, but this time it’s going to be British Airways so I can get my layover in London to see some friends.  See y’all soon.

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@Oracle Cool new features to improve security. Part 2 TDE support to encrypt SYSTEM, SYSAUX, TEMP and UNDO tablespaces. #infosec

Are you gathering statistics on your data? Are you running Transparent Data Encryption, then it’s time to upgrade to Oracle

Pretty cool, eh? So what’s happening here? Statistics that were gathered on the hr.employees table are stored in the SYSAUX tablespace. If you are running Oracle 12.1 or bellow, SYSAUX can not be encrypted; therefore data that should be encrypted (statistics data) is spilling over to the unencrypted tablespace SYSAUX. Oracle 12.2 now supports encrypting SYSTEM, SYSAUX, TEMP and UNDO tablespaces to help prevent the spillage of data.

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Every now and then “It happens.”

I have lost count of the number of times I’ve given the Holistic Database Security talk. The talk has evolved over the years, it continues to evolve, and is a mature presentation. Yesterday at Collaborate 2017, It Happened!

I was asked to have my presentation recorded to put out on the web. I’m always very agreeable to having my presentations recorded to reach a larger audience. A representative from Collaborate came up to me to plug a thumb drive into my laptop with the recording software. My reaction was, you got to be kidding, how do I know that thumb drive is safe? I travel with a sacrificial lamb computer, so I was not too worried about malware.  Turns out allowing this software to run on this machine was not such a great idea.

When I do my presentations, I typically have an Oracle 12c VM running to do my demos along with Chrome to display my slides. My sacrificial lamb computer is not the newest, or fastest laptop out there, in fact I’ve been using it for a few years now.

About 10 minutes into my presentation I noticed something was amiss; my laptop was running much slower than normal then locked up for several minutes. This through me for a loop. Finally, I pulled the thumb drive, and did a hard reboot of my computer. (holding the power button down, yea it was that bad)

Lessons learned:

  • Always have a hard copy of my presentation available.
  • Things go wrong, have a disaster recovery plan.
  • Doing a presentation in front of an audience is PRODUCTION and should be treated like production. Don’t introduce something to the environment that has not been fully tested.
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@Oracle Cool new features to improve security. Part 1 Enhanced Whitelists PL/SQL

In Oracle 12.1 the ACCESSIBLE BY clause was introduced to the PL/SQL language. This gives the developer the ability mark a package, procedure, function, or type with what was allowed to call it. 12.2 gives us fine grained control over what can the specific functions and procedures in a package.

Here is what 12.1 gave us. As you can see in this example the package getEmpInfo and EmpMaint can both call the package emp_api. I love it, now we have a way to limit what can call a piece of code. But wait, in 12.2 it gets even better, look at example for 12.2

1 CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE emp_api 2 ACCESSIBLE BY (getEmpInfo, EmpMaint) 3 AUTHID CURRENT_USER AS 4 FUNCTION fGetEmpPhone( pFname IN VARCHAR2, 5 pLname IN VARCHAR2) 6 RETURN VARCHAR2; 7 8 FUNCTION fGetEmpManager(pEmployeeId IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER; 9 10 FUNCTION fInsEmp(pFirstName IN VARCHAR2, 11 pLastName IN VARCHAR2, 12 pEmail IN VARCHAR2, 13 pPhoneNumber IN VARCHAR2, 14 pHireDate IN DATE, 15 pJobId IN NUMBER, 16 pSalary IN NUMBER, 17 pCommissionPct IN NUMBER, 18 pManagerId IN NUMBER, 19 pDempartmentId IN NUMBER) 20 RETURN BOOLEAN; 21 22 FUNCTION fDelEmp(pEmployeeId IN NUMBER) 23 RETURN BOOLEAN; 24 25 FUNCTION fUpdateEmp(pEmployeeId IN NUMBER, 26 pFirstName IN VARCHAR2, 27 pLastName IN VARCHAR2, 28 pEmail IN VARCHAR2, 29 pPhoneNumber IN VARCHAR2, 30 pHireDate IN DATE, 31 pJobId IN NUMBER, 32 pSalary IN NUMBER, 33 pCommissionPct IN NUMBER, 34 pManagerId IN NUMBER, 35 pDempartmentId IN NUMBER) 36 RETURN BOOLEAN; 37 38 END;

In 12.2 we now have fine grained control over what can call the individual functions and procedures in our package. In the emp_api package the package getEmpInfo can call the functions fGetEmpPhone and fGetEmpManager. The package EmpMaint can call the functions, fDelEmp, fInsEmp, and fUpdateEmp. Now we have fine grained control over what can call the functions and procedures in a specific package.

1 create or replace PACKAGE emp_api 2 AUTHID CURRENT_USER 3 AS 4 FUNCTION fGetEmpPhone(pFname IN VARCHAR2, 5 pLname IN VARCHAR2) 6 RETURN VARCHAR2 ACCESSIBLE BY (PACKAGE getEmpInfo); 7 8 FUNCTION fGetEmpManager(pEmployeeId IN NUMBER) 9 RETURN NUMBER ACCESSIBLE BY (PACKAGE getEmpInfo); 10 11 FUNCTION fInsEmp(pFirstName IN VARCHAR2, 12 pLastName IN VARCHAR2, 13 pEmail IN VARCHAR2, 14 pPhoneNumber IN VARCHAR2, 15 pHireDate IN DATE, 16 pJobId IN NUMBER, 17 pSalary IN NUMBER, 18 pCommissionPct IN NUMBER, 19 pManagerId IN NUMBER, 20 pDempartmentId IN NUMBER) 21 RETURN BOOLEAN ACCESSIBLE BY (PACKAGE EmpMaint); 22 23 FUNCTION fDelEmp(pEmployeeId IN NUMBER) 24 RETURN BOOLEAN ACCESSIBLE BY (PACKAGE EmpMaint); 25 26 FUNCTION fUpdateEmp(pEmployeeId IN NUMBER, 27 pFirstName IN VARCHAR2, 28 pLastName IN VARCHAR2, 29 pEmail IN VARCHAR2, 30 pPhoneNumber IN VARCHAR2, 31 pHireDate IN DATE, 32 pJobId IN NUMBER, 33 pSalary IN NUMBER, 34 pCommissionPct IN NUMBER, 35 pManagerId IN NUMBER, 36 pDempartmentId IN NUMBER) 37 RETURN BOOLEAN ACCESSIBLE BY (PACKAGE EmpMaint); 38 39 END;

Reference: http://docs.oracle.com/database/122/LNPLS/ACCESSIBLE-BY-clause.htm#LNPLS-GUID-9720619C-9862-4123-96E7-3E85F240FF36

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PL/SQL Security Coding Practices. Introduction to a better architecture part 2

For this post, we are going to focus on definers rights and invokers rights. Most developers already know about these privilege modifiers, but sadly I rarely see these being used at customer sites.

Key to understanding how to secure your code is understanding definers and invokers along with inherit privileges, the accessible by clause along with a few other things. We are going to use these privilege modifiers to help implement a trusted path to your data. Here is the Oracle documentation on Definers Rights and Invokers Rights. Managing Security for Definer’s Rights and Invoker’s Rights.

Definers rights and invokers rights are pretty easy to understand. Lets start with a simple example. If a package, procedure or function (You should always use packages) is created using definers rights, then the code will execute with the privileges that are giving to the owner of the package. If the package is created with invokers rights then the package will execute with the privileges of the invoker (user who executed the code).

We are going to create an application user usr1 and an application code schema app.  Once we have done that we will grant select on hr.employees to the app user.

1 SQL> create user usr1 identified by usr1; 2 User USR1 created. 3 SQL> grant create session to usr1; 4 Grant succeeded. 5 SQL> create user app identified by app; 6 User APP created. 7 SQL> grant select on hr.employees to app; 8 Grant succeeded.

Lets create a package with a function that does one simple thing; return the number of employees in the hr.employees table that have a salary that is greater than or equal to the passed parameter. Once we have this package we are going to grant execute on the package to the user usr1.

1 create or replace package app.emp_api 2 authid definer -- this is the default, but it's nice 3 -- to be specific 4 as 5 function fEmpCount(pAmt IN NUMBER) return number; 6 end; 7 / 8 9 create or replace package body app.emp_api as 10 function fEmpCount(pAmt IN NUMBER) return number is 11 x number; -- just a dumb variable to hold the count. 12 begin 13 select count(*) 14 into x 15 from hr.employees 16 where salary >= pAmt; 17 return x; 18 exception when others then 19 sys.dbms_output.put_line(sqlerrm); 20 return -1; 21 end; 22 end; 23 / 24 Package Body EMP_API compiled 25 SQL> grant execute on app.emp_api to usr1; 26 Grant succeeded. 27

Now, when usr1 executes the app.emp_api.fEmpCount it will work fine. We don’t need to grant permissions to usr1 to access the employees table, because the package executes with the permissions of the user app, that does have select on hr.employees. Using this scheme, we have effectively locked the user into using the application.

1 SQL> conn usr1/usr1@demo1 2 Connected. 3 SQL> set serveroutput on 4 SQL> declare 5 x number; 6 begin 7 x := app.emp_api.fEmpCount(pAmt => 100); 8 sys.dbms_output.put_line(to_char(x)); 9 end; 10 / 11 107 12 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. 13

So that works just fine, now lets try it when we use invokers rights, we get table or view does not exists.

1 SQL> conn rlockard@demo1 2 Password? (**********?) *********** 3 Connected. 4 SQL> create or replace package app.emp_api 5 authid current_user -- all we need to do is change the 6 -- package spec 7 8 as 9 function fEmpCount(pAmt IN NUMBER) return number; 10 end; 11 / 12 Package EMP_API compiled 13 SQL> conn usr1/usr1@demo1 14 Connected. 15 SQL> set serveroutput on 16 SQL> declare 17 2 x number; 18 3 begin 19 4 x := app.emp_api.fEmpCount(pAmt => 100); 20 5 sys.dbms_output.put_line(to_char(x)); 21 6 end; 22 7 / 23 ORA-00942: table or view does not exist 24 -1 25

Because the code executed with the same rights as the invoker (usr1) we get the ora-00942: table or view does not exists. For this to work we need to grant select on hr.employees to usr1.

1 SQL> grant select on hr.employees to usr1; 2 3 Grant succeeded. 4 5 SQL> conn usr1/usr1@demo1 6 Connected. 7 SQL> set serveroutput on 8 SQL> declare 9 x number; 10 begin 11 x := app.emp_api.fEmpCount(pAmt => 100); 12 sys.dbms_output.put_line(to_char(x)); 13 end; 14 / 15 107 16 17 18 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. 19

Now we have that down stay tuned for the next post on inherit privileges, because when usr1 has powerful privileges, when we use invokers rights the inherits those powerful privileges.

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#Infosec Virus Delivery via Email

I’ve been getting a lot of these emails lately. If you receive an email with an attachment and you did not expect it, or in this case if you did expect it. Take a closer look. This Christmas season, a lot of packages were sent out Fedex, so I’m guessing these spammers wanted to take advantage of that. The bottom line, just delete the email.

This email has several problems.  Any one of these three signs would make me delete the email.

1) The from email address does not match the from name.

2) The signature line is just not right for something coming from Fedex.

3) It has a zip attachment. DO NOT OPEN THE ZIP FILE.


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