In the old days before Oracle 23c, you had two options when creating build scripts. 1) Take the error message such as ORA-00942 Table or View does not exists, or you could write pl/sql and trap the error like this.
procedure Drop_Table(p_table in varchar2) is
Table_Doesnt_Exist exception;
pragma Exception_Init(Table_Doesnt_Exist, -00942);
execute immediate 'drop table '||p_table;
exception when Table_Doesnt_Exist then null;
end Drop_Table;
This worked well; however, as you can see your cleanup code could take up some space. So, your choice, accept the error message or write some code. Both worked. But now we have a better way, if Oracle 23c you now have the if exists and if not exists options. Life is good.
SQL> create table if not exists t (x number);
Table T created.
SQL> drop table if exists t;
Table T dropped.