Monthly Archives: July 2019
Schema Only Accounts. #infosec #DatabaseSecurity
Schema only accounts. There is no good reason for anyone to connect to an application schema as the owner. In Oracle 18c, we now have schema only accounts. Okay, I had to double check if this was available on 12c … Continue reading
“Free cheese is only in the mousetrap” #DataPrivacy #InformationSecurity #DeepFake
#DataPrivacy, #InformationSecurity all require critical thinking. Sadly, there is not a lot of that going around these days. People are purposely sending photos to have them aged without vetting the company they are going to. We are now have #DeepFakes … Continue reading
On the road again. #QRS19 in Sofia Bulgaria. Secure Database Design
On Monday July 22 I will be speaking at IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability, and Security. This is going to be a two hour tutorial on designing and coding a secure database system. I see a lot … Continue reading