Life is busy and good; new Some of y’all may already know, after almost thirty years of working for myself, I accepted a position with Accenture Enkitec Group as Technology Innovation Principal Director and the Global Lead for Database Security. There are a lot of reasons I accepted this position. Primarily, I’ve known the folks from Enkitec for a number of years; they have always impressed me with their knowledge, willingness to share that knowledge, and they get s&*t done. Being part of a global team that is focused to delivering the best for the customer. The opportunity to learn new things; now that’s a big plus for me.
Now, being an employee it’s really new to me, they have these things called HR, People Leads, and policies. Who knew? My People Lead was always my bathroom mirror where I would have long discussions with myself about my future and where I needed to put my focus. Now, I have someone else who I can discuss direction, where my focus should be, and also promote me within and outside of Accenture. This is great! Yea’ even I need to get pointed in the right direction every now and then.
New talks are coming up in Poland, Croatia, North Carolina, Spain, East Coast Oracle Users Group (ECOUG). I’m waiting for acceptance from Croatia, ECOUG, and need to get my abstracts in for Spain. Stay tuned for more details on what talks I have coming up.