This year has been busy, and I don’t see it slowing down anytime soon. Life is good. The my chapters are all finally in for the Database Security book, now it’s time to edit. After reading the audit chapter, I’m not really happy with it. Once I’m done editing it, the version APRESS gets back may not look a lot like v0.1.
This May my travels are going to take me to Kiev Ukraine, Chișinău Moldova, Helsinki Finland, Stockholm Sweden, back to Kiev, and home just in time to celebrate my 59th birthday (am I starting to get old?). I’ll be speaking in Helsinki at the Full Stack Developers Conference on PL/SQL Secure Coding Practices https://fsdc.fi/ then heading over to Stockholm to do a couple talks on Holistic Database Security, Secure Coding Practices, and discuss Privilege Analysis.
June is going to be a bit easier, I’ll be in Bulgaria for BGOUG to talk about Privilege analysis and Leadership; then back to Chișinău and Barcelona to take care of some business.
July, oh, that’s simple, back to Bulgaria again (third trip there this year) where I’ll be speaking at the IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability, and Security. https://qrs19.techconf.org/track/tutorials The topic, Database Secure Coding and Design.